Text messages make patient communication simple. Learn how to clear notifications, mark messages as unread, and archive conversations.
Clear message notifications
New messages from patients appear with a red notification badge on the NexHealth home page and in your messages feed.
To clear the notification:
1. Scroll to the conversation and click on the patient's name to open the conversation.
2. Scroll down past the New Message line in the conversation. This will remove the badge in the Messages feed and on the NexHealth Home page.
Mark messages as unread
If you read a conversation and realize that another team member needs to respond to it, or you want to be sure to come back to the conversation later, it's easy to mark a message as unread.
1. Click on the ellipsis (...) next to the patient's name and select Mark as unread. This causes the red notification badge to reappear in Messages and on the NexHealth Home page.
Archive or unarchive messages
The archive function removes older conversations from the main Messages inbox, making it faster to see recent conversations at a glance.
1. To archive a conversation, hover to the right of the patient's name to make the ellipsis (...) appear.
2. Click on the ellipsis and choose Archive.
3. To access archived conversations, search for the patient's name in the search bar, or archives can be accessed at any time using the filter.
To restore an archived conversation, either send the patient a new message or when the patient responds to an archived thread, the full conversation will move back into the Messages inbox.