1. Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of NexHealth.
2. Select Analytics.
3. By default, you are on the Export data tab.
4. Click on Create data export.
5. Select the Locations you’d like to export from. This is a multi-select list–you can add as many locations as you wish.
6. Choose the Table. This determines which data will appear on your report. For definitions, see Downloadable data sets below.
7. Select the Time frame and how you would like that time filtered, ex: created/updated during.
8. Generate a preview first to ensure the data you need will appear on your report.
a. If the data looks right, choose Generate export.
b. If you need to make changes, select New data export and return to step 2.
9. A link to download a CSV file will be sent to the email associated with your NexHealth user. You can then upload the CSV to your analytics tool of choice.
*Note: Exports can take up to 30 minutes to arrive depending on the size of the data set.
Downloadable data sets
Locations within NexHealth
Street address
Zip code
Phone number
Fax number
Fax extension
Email (where patient replies are sent)
Creation date
Update timestamps
Time zone
Active/deactivated status
Operatories found within the selected locations
Display name
Creation date
Update timestamps
Active/deactivated status
Patient profiles found within the selected locations. Keep in mind that a single patient can have multiple profiles across multiple locations
First name
Middle name
Last name
Date of birth
Cell phone number
Home phone number
Guarantor id
Primary insurance plan
Unsubscribe status - emails
Unsubscribe status - SMS
Created date
Update timestamps
Active/deactivated status
Providers found within the selected locations and synced with NexHealth
First name
Middle name
Last name
Date of birth
Cell phone number
NPI (used by Insurance Verification feature)
Created date
Update timestamps
Active/deactivated status
NexHealth Users
NexHealth users with access to the selected locations
First name
Middle name
Last name
Cell phone number
Created date
Update timestamps
Active/deactivated status
Audit Logs
A record of the actions taken within NexHealth, with time stamps and user names
Appointments, including those scheduled by NexHealth and those synced from your health record system
Appointment ID
Appointment type ID (to match, export to Appointment Types table)
Patient ID
Provider ID
Operatory ID
Location ID
Created by ID
Start time/date
End time/date
Patient confirmed (using the confirmation button in Reminders)
Patient confirmation timestamp
Confirmed, this could be by the patient themself or manually via the EHR
Confirmation timestamp
Cancelled status
Cancelled timestamp
Missed/no show status
Missed/no show timestamp
Checked in timestamp
Checked out timestamp
Is booked on NexHealth (true/false)
Is new patient (true/false)
Deleted status
Created at timestamp
Updated timestamp
Appointment types
Appointment types, as listed in NexHealth. If you have appointment type mapping configured, this list will also include appointments booked in the health record system
Appointment type name (as appears to patients)
Minutes (duration)
Bookable online status (true/false)
Created at timestamp
Updated timestamp
Procedures, as listed in NexHealth if they have been attached to your appointment types. If you have appointment type mapping configured, this list will also include appointments booked in the health record system
Patient ID
Location ID
Appointment ID
Procedure code
Start date
End date
Body site - tooth
Body site - surface
Fee - value
Fee - currency
Created at timestamp
Updated timestamp
Payments processed using NexHealth
Payment ID
Patient ID
Location ID
Paid on (date)
Payment method (request link, web widget, manual)
Refunded (true/false)
Sync timestamp (if ledger sync is turned on)
Created at timestamp
Updated timestamp
Form Requests sent to patients using NexHealth Forms
Request ID
Patient ID
Location ID
Due date
Request status (Not started, complete, expired)
Sync status