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Best practices for rescheduling appointments in Dentrix
Best practices for rescheduling appointments in Dentrix

Use Dentrix's Pinboard button to move and reschedule appointments

Updated over 2 weeks ago

In Dentrix, there are various ways of rescheduling appointments, not all of which are recognized by NexHealth.

Here are best practices for rescheduling Dentrix appointments, along with which instances NexHealth will and will not recognize appointment rescheduling.

🚫Unsuccessful process: dragging and dropping appointments via the Pinboard

In Dentrix's Appointment Book, when an appointment is dragged directly from the schedule onto the Pinboard, NexHealth does not detect that the appointment has been removed from the schedule.

Appointments dragged to the pinboard will still receive reminders and other communications.

Similarly, if an appointment is dragged to the Pinboard and then later dropped into a new time slot, NexHealth does not detect the new appointment time to send the Save the Date template. NH WILL recognize the new appointment and send messages applying to the new appointment moving forward (such as Reminders).

Screenshot 2023-09-15 at 3.50.13 PM.png

Sample of dragging an appointment to the Pinboard

What does this mean? NexHealth does not detect new appointment times for the Save the Date template for appointments left on the Pinboard using the drag-and-drop feature (since a new appointment is not scheduled).

  • For example, if an appointment is scheduled for January 1st, and it is dragged to the Pinboard and then dropped on January 15th, NexHealth will send have sent the Save the Date template for January 1st, but Reminders will go for the new date on January 15th.

  • If the appointment is dragged from January 1st to the Pinboard and left there, we will still send Reminders for the January 1st appointment until the appointment on the Pinboard is dropped to a new time or deleted.

  • For this reason, this is not a recommended workflow 🚫.

✅ Successful process: selecting the Pinboard button

Double-clicking the appointment in Dentrix's Appointment Book, causes a pop-up to appear that places the appointment on the Pinboard; AND also breaks (cancels) the appointment. This allows NexHealth to detect the appointment rescheduling automatically.

Screenshot 2023-09-15 at 3.49.21 PM.png

By double-clicking the appointment, the Appointment Information pop-up will appear to reschedule appointments appropriately

✅ Successful process: standard broken or deleted appointments

The last approach, which most offices will likely use, is to right-click the appointment and break or delete the appointment. After doing so, the office can schedule a new appointment.

Screenshot 2023-09-21 at 3.31.29 PM.png
Screenshot 2023-09-21 at 3.33.52 PM.png

What does this mean? By following this workflow, NexHealth sends the Save the Date template for the new appointment, which will communicate the correct appointment time for patients.

Note: When an appointment is marked as Broken in Dentrix, NexHealth reads the time as "12AM", because Dentrix updates the appointment time to 12AM when an appointment is broken.

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