By default, NexHealth will verify patients' insurance 7-days before their appointments. This timeframe can be easily adjusted.
Adjust the verification window
1. Navigate to the gear icon and choose Settings.
2. Select Verification window from the left side menu.
3. Click Edit to adjust the window from the 7-day default. Select a verification window between the day of an appointment up to 30 days prior.
4. Choose your time frame from the dropdown and click Save.
**Important note on reduced verification windows: If you choose a window shorter than 7 days, you will likely see a small increase in the number of checks, but only for the first 7 days after the change. This is because we'll recheck patients that wouldn't have been rechecked under the previous 7-day window. After this initial period, the number of checks will stabilize according to the new window length.
No long-term change in total checks: After the initial adjustment period, the total number of checks performed over time will align with the newly selected window length.
Dynamic windowing
Dynamic Windowing allows you to ensure you always have the most up-to-date insurance information for appointments at the start of a month.
This feature is enabled by default but can be disabled if it doesn't suit your workflow.
We know insurance statuses are more likely to change at the beginning of a new month or year. With a fixed verification window, we risk providing outdated insurance information, especially for appointments scheduled early in the month.
For example, if you use the default 7-day verification window:
An appointment on July 28th would be verified on July 21st
But an appointment on August 3rd would also be verified on July 27th, potentially missing a status change that occurred on August 1st
Dynamic Windowing can be enabled or disabled from Settings β Verification window.
When enabled, the system automatically adjusts the verification timing for appointments early in the month.
Verifications for these appointments will occur on the 1st day of the appointment month, regardless of the standard window setting.
For example, if you have set a 7-day verification window and have Dynamic Windowing enabled:
For most appointments, verification occurs 7 days before the appointment as usual.
For appointments on August 1st-7th, instead of verifying in late July, the system will verify all of these appointments on August 1st.
This ensures that any insurance changes taking effect on August 1st are captured for all early August appointments. This ensures more accurate insurance information for appointments at the start of the month or year, reduced risk of claim denials due to outdated insurance status, and no increase in the total number of verifications.