By default, NexHealth will verify patients' insurance 7-days before their appointments. This timeframe can be easily adjusted.
To adjust the verification window:
1. Navigate to the gear icon and choose Settings.
2. Select Verification window from the left side menu.
3. Click Edit to adjust the window from the 7-day default. Select a verification window between the day of an appointment up to 30 days prior.
4. Choose your time frame from the dropdown and click Save.
**Important note on reduced verification windows: If you choose a window shorter than 7 days, you will likely see a small increase in the number of checks, but only for the first 7 days after the change. This is because we'll recheck patients that wouldn't have been rechecked under the previous 7-day window. After this initial period, the number of checks will stabilize according to the new window length.
No long-term change in total checks: After the initial adjustment period, the total number of checks performed over time will align with the newly selected window length.