NexHealth Support

nexhealth team members

How do I send a campaign?

Send a message to many patients at the same time.

How to send a campaign

Send a message to many patients at the same time.

  1. Navigate to the Campaigns tab.
  2. Click on New Campaign.
  3. Select the locations that will be included in the campaign.
  4. Select the patients who will be sent the campaign by using our specific filters or uploading a CSV.
  5. If uploading a CSV file of patients, please make sure to follow the exact formatting as our sample CSV which can be accessed by clicking "SAMPLE CSV."
  6. Click Save Recipient
  7. Replace Untitled Campaign with the name of your campaign. This title is used for your purposes and will not be visible to the patients
  8. Toggle the email and/or SMS to On.(Note: To optimize deliverability and patient experience, we recommend messages stay below 300 characters. See SMS Campaign best practices here.)
  9. If using the email template, add a subject to the email edit the body of the campaign. The editor functions similarly to a Word document. You’re able to add hyperlinks and images. (If you prefer to edit via HTML, click the source tab in the bottom left of the frame.)
  10. Preview the campaign by selecting load preview.
  11. Send a test email or SMS to yourself by clicking Send test email or Send test SMS.
  12. Save the campaign as a draft if you're not yet ready to send
  13. Click send when you’re ready to send to your patient recipient list!